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Forensic Technicians provide crime scene investigation services and are exposed to stressful violent crimes, motor vehicle accidents, biological or chemical hazards, and other appalling imagery. Forensic Technicians would likely experience physical and psychological stress after exposure to trauma, and security vulnerabilities similar to Sworn Police Officers. The perceived availability of mental health resources, job-related physical, psychological stress, and traumatic experiences of both Forensic Technicians and Sworn Police Officers from California law enforcement agencies were investigated using a self-reported survey. Responses were evaluated for any significant differences in the perceived stress, job-related physical stress, and resulting psychological impact affecting the participants. The survey contained a mix of True/False, Circle/Check the Appropriate Box, or Likert Scale (1–5) responses. The results were evaluated statistically and discussed. Results indicated Sworn Police Officers and Forensic Technicians have different on-duty stress levels, but similar off-duty stress levels. Nearly two-thirds of 54 job-related stressors were not significantly different between the two occupations. However, Forensic Technicians reported more adverse effects in 17 physical and psychological job-related activities compared with Sworn Police Officers. Forensic Technicians reported lower awareness levels and availability of agency mental health support services than were reported by Sworn Police Officers. This study reports for the first time an unexpected outcome that perceived and job-related psychological stress is greater for Forensic Technicians than Sworn Police Officers. Possible reasons for this disparity will be discussed as well as stress management tools that should be implemented to reduce health risk factors for both career professionals as well as increase public safety.  相似文献   
刘燕 《法学研究》2020,(2):128-148
PE/VC与目标公司对赌的司法裁判要点从合同效力转入合同可履行性后,需要面对两个层次的追问:一是以什么样的实体标准来判断履行障碍,二是由谁来判断是否存在履行障碍。华工案和“九民纪要”仅处理了第一个层次的问题,且主要以资本维持原则作为实体判断标准。然而,我国现行公司法资本维持原则过于粗疏,且缺乏“大分配”概念和底线规制的思路,导致“对赌协议”下的回购只能通过减资的途径,徒增成本。域外以清偿能力标准替代资本维持原则,体现了另一种以债权人利益为导向限制公司资产单向流出至股东的规制思路,但其商业逻辑上的合理性却无法掩盖更大的操作成本。就第二层次的判断主体而言,以美国特拉华州为代表,法官的商业判断逐渐让位于公司董事会的商业判断,却进一步凸显了公司、不同类别股东、债权人之间利益冲突的复杂状态。立法层面的价值判断与政策选择将最终决定司法裁判的走向,未来我国公司法的修订需要回应商业实践的诉求,同时PE/VC投资者也需要直面投资失败的风险承担。  相似文献   
Recent increases in deaths in the United States from synthetic opioids such as fentanyl and fentanyl analogues (fentanyls) have raised concerns about possible occupational exposures to these potent agents. Medicolegal death investigators and autopsy suite staff might perform job tasks involving exposure to fentanyls. The potential for exposure to fentanyls among medicolegal death investigators and autopsy technicians at a state medical examiner's office was evaluated through review of caseload characteristics, injury and illness logs, and procedures and policies and discussions with management and employee representatives. The evaluation showed that this medical examiner's office had low potential for work-related exposure to fentanyls; its standard operating procedures and personal protective equipment requirements should reduce the potential for occupational exposure. Medicolegal death investigation agencies can develop and implement guidance to control exposures and provide workforce education and training to reduce the potential for work-related exposure to fentanyls.  相似文献   
为调查公安院校大学生自我效能感与职业认同现状并探讨其相关性,通过整群抽样法选取某公安院校3280名大学生,采用一般自我效能感量表和警察职业认同量表进行调查,结果显示:该公安院校大学生的一般自我效能感总分为(26.49±5.72)分,职业认同总分为(11.55±1.64)分;单因素分析显示,自我效能感总分、职业认同总分在不同性别、就读层次、年级、是否为独生子女、是否为团员、是否自愿报考公安院校上有差异(p<0.05),且差异有统计学意义。另外,多因素回归分析显示,一般自我效能感是职业认同的影响因素(p<0.05)。研究结果表明该公安院校大学生的一般自我效能感及警察职业认同均处于中等偏上水平,且两者呈正相关性。建议增强公安院校大学生的自我效能感有助于提升其职业认同感。  相似文献   
我国已建立多层次保障职业健康和防治职业病的规制体系,其具体进路主要表现为劳动者权益保护日益增强、用人单位责任进一步强化、便捷高效原则更加突出、职业病防治监管主体多次转变。四条进路之间呈现既相互联系又相互区别的辩证统一关系,表明我国职业病防治重点解决职业病诊断、鉴定及追责之困境,已将劳动者权益置于首位,摆脱了法律工具禁锢,而转向权益保障的价值目标。展望未来,尚可从匹配职业病诊断和鉴定机构的管辖级别、设立职业病鉴定中的听证程序、持续推行高效便民原则及实现对职业卫生监管直接责任人员的监察整合等方面进一步优化。  相似文献   
用问卷调查法对北京市30多所高校大学生就其择业倾向的调查结果显示:大部分女大学生把工作稳定排在首位;首选的就业地区是经济发达的大中城市;大部分认为工作与所学专业要有一定关联;期望的月薪集中在2500~5000元之间,工作的首要目的是实现自我价值;低收入家庭选择找工作的比例高,高收入家庭选择准备出国的比例高;愿到基层就业的女大学生总体趋势随着家庭年收入的增加而下降;高收入家庭的学生更看重第一份工作对自我成长的价值,而低收入家庭的相对看重先自食其力;成绩排名靠前的学生选择继续深造的比例高,成绩排名靠后的选择找工作的比例高。  相似文献   
侯玲玲 《法律科学》2013,(4):104-116
利益调整所引发的集体争议行动是市场经济背景下劳资争议的重要型态。基于劳资自治的保障需求,大多市场经济国家(地区)对劳动者集体争议行动这种侵权行为予以有限制的法律保护。我国因加薪所引发的集体停工频发,凸显了法律对集体争议行动失范及其法律秩序重构的必要。借鉴国外立法例,结合国情,我国宜采取消极立法模式,通过特殊的法律责任豁免制度和特殊的劳资利益争议处理程序,以规范劳动者集体争议行动。  相似文献   
当代中国的行政区划调整是与城市化相伴而生的,二者之间呈现出互助发展的规律。城市化进程中的行政区划调整模式表现为:撤县设区、设立新的市辖区、合并市辖区、扩大市区地域范围以及综合调整等。不同的调整模式有着不同的特点,总体上呈现出缺乏科学的整体规划,具有一定的盲目性;缺乏具体标准,具有一定的随意性;缺乏科学的认识,具有一定的片面性等特征。本文认为,随着城市化的进一步推进,城镇行政区划调整应与推进城镇化发展相结合、与区域内资源合理配置相结合、与地方行政管理体制创新相结合。  相似文献   
Despite a wealth of knowledge for factors predicting adolescent defending behaviors, it remains unknown about victims’ adjustment resulting from experiencing the presence of different bystander roles in a victimization episode. This study analyzed 209 Taiwanese adolescents’ reports of school-based peer victimization, perceived bystander actions in the event, and the victims’ emotional responses (e.g., happy, sad), emotional status following the episode (e.g., feeling better, worse), and psychosocial maladjustment (i.e., depression, loneliness, anxiety). Our results showed that bystander participant roles varied by victimization types and that defended victims adjusted better than nondefended victims both emotionally and psychologically. Moreover, adolescent victims who reported the presence of an outsider during the victimization experienced more complex and negative emotional responses than victims who reported the presence reinforcer or assistant of the bully. Implications for interventions and prevention are discussed.  相似文献   
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